Saving the Planet

Point by Point

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Look after your LOYAL customers, or ANOTHER BUSINESS will.

If 85% of a business's growth comes from LOYAL customers, its not much of a stretch to suggest 85% of a business’s profit comes from loyal customers also.

Now businesses can both attract new customers and keep all customers coming back again and again and only pay when the customer pays. It all happens automatically as the customers registered credit/debit card REACTS with the business’s registered payment terminal. Its only %3 (minimum) the customer pays as normal, no need to show a loyalty card or App.

Sit back, relax and let us show you just how easy it can be


“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” Greek Proverb

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Will your competitors pay 3% to steal your customers! NO – they will much, much more than 3%. Australian business currently spend $234 Million per week ($12.2 Billion pa) to steal customers, that’s $8,81 per week for every person in Australia. All that money is sent overseas to tech giants. Erth Points keeps the money in Australia.

Step 1 –

Join your customers in Erth Points and send them weekly special offers (free). (Example – Free Entrée with Every Main Meal on Wednesdays), if 85% of your profit comes from loyal customers, you better look after them or another business will. Plus, you can advertise your special offers via the App free so all Erth Point customers can find your business.

Step 2 –

Get other businesses to join and have those other businesses send out your Special offers, and you send theirs. Have the hairdresser sent out special offers for your restaurant as a bonus for being a customer of the hairdresser. You can send out 10% off at the hairdressers to your restaurant customers as a thank you.

Step 3 –

Have Environmental & Community organisations (Sports clubs, churches, charities) send special offers for your business, so they share in the PAY-per-SALE marketing revenue via the Erth Point system. It may not sound much, but if your restaurant got an extra 20 customers a week from the local netball of soccer club then you as a business owner are very happy. If the netball club has 50 parents that each earn the club $2 a week from the local businesses via Erth Points, that’s $100 per week or $5,200 per year, that’s a lot of sausage sizzles the club did not have to do.

Ask yourself,

Would a parent go out of their way to support their kids' sports team?​

Would a highly religious person go out of their way to support their Church? ​

Would an environmentalist go out of their way to support the environment?

Download FREE App:


With all BIZ packages - advertise your special offers FREE and send your VIP customers your special offers FREE.

Businesses only


Part of every sale goes to your customer, the customers nominated ECO and the Environment so help satisfy your ESG Obligations via Erth Points.

Where planet Earth can benefit from every sale from every business on the Planet

Get discounts, earn Erth Points, benefit your ECO & Help SAVE the PLANET
ECO - Environmental & Community Organisations
Customers select the ECO they want to benefit from their shopping
Businesses attract, retain & reward Customers, support ECOs, Save the Planet & only PAY-per-SALE
The Planet
Every Transaction where Erth Points are involved, helps Save the Planet Earth

The Erth Point system helps businesses satisfy their ESG obligations, about to become operational in 2025 in Australia, by enabling part of every sale go to the Rewards4Earth Foundation (Environment) and the customers nominated community organisation (The S, Social from ESG). ​

The Rewards4Earth Foundation Ltd, as the Primary Beneficiary of the Erth Point system offers businesses the opportunity to not only keep their own customers coming back again and again, but to attract customers from non-competing businesses as well as from local community organisations and environmentally concerned consumers and only PAY-per-SALE to help satisfy ESG obligations and show your business CARES about what your customer CARES about.

Start rewarding your customers!

Join the marketing program that benefits your business, customers, community and the Planet!

App available on:

How various users interact with the Erth system and the benefits they receive


Customers/Supporters Join the Erth Points Loyalty Program by downloading the free mobile app and start earning Erth Points right away. They earn points for every purchase they make at participating businesses and have access to exclusive special offers.


Use the Erth Points Loyalty Program to attract and retain customers through a PAY-per-SALE marketing system that rewards customers with Erth Points at the point of sale through REACTS. If a company already has a proprietary rewards programme, the system can work alongside it. Another distinguishing feature of the Erth Points Loyalty Program is that once gifted, points are owned by the recipient rather than the business that granted them. As a result, there is no ongoing liability for the company or risk of forfeiture for the customer.

ECO or Not-for-profit Organisations

The Erth Program allows ECOs to monetise their supporters’ everyday purchases and earn passive residual income. The Customer must specify their preferred ECO, which they can change at any time.

The Environment

The Rewards4Earth Foundation Ltd, an environmental charity, receives Erth with every transaction and uses it to restore the environment in accordance with its POLECER mandate.

Learn More

Your planet needs your help
Saving planet Earth point by point
How we help

How it works:

Depending on the package you choose, you are allocated a certain amount of pre-paid marketing.

For every sale, 3% minimum or whatever amount is chosen by your business is split between the supporter, their ECO and The Rewards4Earth Foundation.

Once your marketing budget hits a certain amount, it will be automatically topped up as per your settings.

From your App, you can send VIP messages to all your customers using the App.

Why your Business needs Erth Points?

Attract new customers
Reward Customers with Something of Value – The Erth Point
Create Loyalty – Keep Customers Coming Back Again & Again – to earn Erth Points
Save on Marketing Costs
Support Customers’ Favourite Not-for-profit – Help your community
Support Repairing the Environment
It’s Tax-Deductible 
Businesses Only PAY-per-SALE – Clicks are FREE
Fund your ESG Policy (environmental, social, governance)
Using our Geo Locator, All Erth Point customers can find you to earn Erth Points
Help be part of the solution with you customers and together help Save the Planet for future generations

Funding your ESG policy (environment, social, governance)

What Erth Points Users Say:

Since signing up the Erth Point system, a lot of my customers have downloaded the app. It’s great to see them comment that their chosen ECO has just been awarded some points when they buy their coffee in the morning.
I’ve sent 3 VIP messages out to my Erth Point supporters and we had a slight increase in sales for that special deal which was encouraging. We also upped our percentage over Christmas for a week so our customers could gft more to their ECO and the R4E Foundation.
We were interested in using Erth Points in our business as it tied in with our ECG targets and what better way to meet this requirement by encouraging customer loyalty and helping ECO’s along the way.